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Black level in a sentence

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Sentence count:10Posted:2024-07-24Updated:2024-07-24
Similar words: blacklegblack leadblack letterpeak levelblacklandblack listblacklistblack lung
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1, It could be labeled Brightness or Black Level.
2, Black level determines the amount of light that a picture display emits for the darkest areas of an image.
3, The computing unit subtracts a black level signal component from each of the pixel signals amplified by the second amplifier.
4, Locate the brightness control for your display device. It could be labeled "Brightness" or "Black level".
5, Again,[ level.html] small DCshifts in the black level caused by residual sync can disturb the colorbalance or gains of the video channels.
6, On a display or television monitor, black level is the technical term for what is usually called brightness .
7, This comparative black level effect will vary based on the calibrations chosen to "optimize" overall performance.
8, PLUGE pattern is a test pattern used to calibrate the black level on a display monitor to that of a DVD player, a VCR, or some other source.
9, The brightness setting on your television determines the overall black level of the picture.
10, Locate the brightness control for your display device. It could be labeled Brightness or Black Level.
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